9:00 - 10:00 Exhibition
Registration & Refreshments
10:00 - 10:10 Room 1
Welcome by the EBA
10:10 - 10:30 Room 1
Host Keynote "A roadmap for a modern and safe payments market: Insights from Portugal"
10:30 - 11:20 Room 1
Strategic Roundtable 1 “The future of payments: digital, instant, profitable?”
11:20 - 12:00 Room 1
Challenge Speech "Digital Money, Digital Assets, Digital Identity: The Future of Banking"
12:00 - 13:30 Exhibition
Lunch & Networking Break
12:00 - 12:05 Fintalk Stage

Im-Par (Implementation Partners, GmbH), will be presenting themselves/their product to a panel of judges and delegates.

Open for all to attend.

If money movement is the heart of an economy, a strong payment network is what keeps it pumping, anchored by compliance and tech. Explore the wallet revolution, and how TerraPay - leading global money movement company, was already ahead of the curve.

12:05 - 12:50 Room 2

As the payments industry becomes more and more specialised, further opportunities for women are opening up in various areas such as technology, Open Banking, ESG or regulation. How can banks, consultancies and payment service providers achieve gender parity, diversity and inclusion? In which ways can the industry include more women in decision-making roles? What is the role of mentors and sponsors? These and other questions will be at the core of this EBAday lunchtime session.

Kate Pohl

Kate Pohl

Projective Group

Lauren Jones

Lauren Jones

ISO TC68 SC2 – Security for Financial Services

Katja Lehr

Katja Lehr

J.P. Morgan Payments

Petia Niederländer

Petia Niederländer

Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Simone Satan

Simone Satan


12:10 - 12:15 Fintalk Stage

Necto, will be presenting themselves/their product to a panel of judges and delegates.

Open for all to attend.

Can we ignite a payment revolution with Instant Payments? Without improving payment initiation, 10-second transfers won't spur adoption. Unveil how SRTP and A2A Instant Payments can create new business opportunities and boost banking app engagement.

12:20 - 12:25 Fintalk Stage

nsKnox, will be presenting themselves/their product to a panel of judges and delegates.

Open for all to attend.

•  Explore how transaction data can unlock revenue & enhanced operational effectiveness
•  Learn how FIs easily access transaction data to create valuable insights
•  Gain practical insights to optimise operations to generate institutional value

12:30 - 12:35 Fintalk Stage

Neterium, will be presenting themselves/their product to a panel of judges and delegates.

Open for all to attend.

12:40 - 12:45 Fintalk Stage

Lucinity, will be presenting themselves/their product to a panel of judges and delegates.

Open for all to attend.

Uncover the vulnerabilities threatening payment systems. From shadowy exploits to clandestine breaches, fortify defenses against ever-evolving cyber threats. Discover strategies to ensure continuous operation and innovate to meet customer demands.

12:50 - 12:55 Fintalk Stage

AbbeyCross, will be presenting themselves/their product to a panel of judges and delegates.

Open for all to attend.

Coping with the evolving payments landscape presents a growing challenge for enterprises. The myriad payment types, methods, and value sources required to sustain operations amplify complexity. Amidst this, many organizations are turning to platform-based approaches to streamline costs while meeting heightened demands for added value. However, strategic questions persist around whether to build or buy packages and how to scale across the enterprise amidst emerging data sovereignty concerns effectively. This session delves into how a platform-led strategy can enhance agility and simplify payment complexities within your organization. Gain insights into how leading institutions are leveraging platform-based approaches to revolutionise payments across their entire enterprise.

Nowadays we hear a lot that data is the new oil and in many cases people assume that the more data you have the better. But is it always the case? In this session Kirill Lisitsyn from Torus will unleash the peculiarities of data analysis for managing and improving card payments profitability.

Tokenised money is on the horizon in numerous countries. What are the benefits and risks of programmability? How likely is the risk of market fragmentation through multiple offerings, both private and public, chasing after the same use cases?

Andrea Meier

Andrea Meier

David Cunningham

David Cunningham


Manuel Klein

Manuel Klein

Deutsche Bank

Alessandro Roveda

Alessandro Roveda

Nexi Group

Gilbert Verdian

Gilbert Verdian


Phoebe Zhou

Phoebe Zhou


Artificial intelligence and cloud computing are rapidly changing the way PSPs operate. How can PSPs deliver secure and reliable services while offering tailor-made payments to their customers?

Olivier Denecker

Olivier Denecker

McKinsey & Company

Erik Alstromer

Erik Alstromer


Martin Bentele

Martin Bentele


 Krister Billing

Krister Billing


What remain the main challenges for banks in the adoption of instant payments? Which fraud-fighting solutions are there? Which role does confirmation of payee play?

Reinhard Höll

Reinhard Höll

McKinsey & Company

Simon Eacott

Simon Eacott


Ingo Faulhaber

Ingo Faulhaber


Wim Grosemans

Wim Grosemans

BNP Paribas

Hays Littlejohn

Hays Littlejohn

EBA Clearing

Amelia Ruiz Heras

Amelia Ruiz Heras


FIs need to transform their entire business and operating model to achieve bespoke and modular digital solutions while improving their profitability. How can open banking and embedded finance help with this goal? Which hurdles remain?

Adam Davis

Adam Davis

Bain & Company

Carlo Panella

Carlo Panella

Be Shaping The Future

Simone Satan

Simone Satan


Paul Thomalla

Paul Thomalla


15:15 - 15:45 Exhibition
Coffee Break & Networking Break

Looking for the next payment innovation? In our "Hot or Not" session, explore the top 5 innovations banks and PSPs can implement in the EU, even with current regulatory challenges. Gain actionable insights to stay ahead in this evolving landscape.

15:15 - 15:20 Fintalk Stage

Movitz Payments, will be presenting themselves/their product to a panel of judges and delegates.

Open for all to attend.

15:25 - 15:30 Fintalk Stage

Equali, will be presenting themselves/their product to a panel of judges and delegates.

Open for all to attend.

Banks must deliver fintech like customer expériences, to stay relevant, or lose their brand moat by the end of 2025. With legacy tech stacks inhibiting agile change, payment fabric technology is the new enabler to solve this challenge. Learn more.

A plethora of new EU regulations and directives are on the horizon: how can these be turned into an advantage for the payment business? What are the regulatory trends to watch? Can innovation derive from something other than a regulatory impetus?

Thomas Peeters

Thomas Peeters


Antoine Cuypers

Antoine Cuypers


Karthik Jagannathan

Karthik Jagannathan

valantic FSA

Katja Lehr

Katja Lehr

J.P. Morgan Payments

Julie Timpson

Julie Timpson


15:45 - 16:30 Room 2

The cloud has played a big part in the ongoing digital transformation in banking and payments. What is the best strategy for banks to streamline their operations, increase scale and improve time to market? Is payments-as-a-service a viable model to consider?

Nils Jung

Nils Jung

Capgemini Invent

Daragh Kirby

Daragh Kirby


Nadish Lad

Nadish Lad

volante Technologies

Michèle Zaquine

Michèle Zaquine


How are inflation, high interest rates and elevated geopolitical uncertainty impacting today’s liquidity management ecosystem? How are banks adapting their business models and balance sheets? How are corporates responding to these challenges?

Liz Oakes

Liz Oakes

Vivek Chikballapur

Vivek Chikballapur

J.P. Morgan Payments

Jorge Filipe Nunes

Jorge Filipe Nunes

Banco BPI

Justin Silsbury

Justin Silsbury

Infosys Finacle

Varun Yadav

Varun Yadav


Which impact can the cross-currency payment scheme have on European PSPs? How can they best reap its benefits? By when can we expect reciprocity on the non-euro leg? Which new services could be built upon OCT Inst?

Rita Camporeale

Rita Camporeale

European Payments Council

Daniele Astarita

Daniele Astarita

ACI Worldwide

Damien Godderis

Damien Godderis

BNP Paribas

Xavier Herrero

Xavier Herrero


Michael Knetsch

Michael Knetsch

Deutsche Bank

Drinks Reception, Sponsored by ACI Worldwide, with Tom Warsop, CEO and Regis Folbaum, CEO STET. The drinks reception is open to all delegates.