27-28 May 2025 | Les Salles du Carrousel, Paris, France
Making the change to instant payments in all relevant channels is a large investment. What constitutes a good implementation plan? Which pain points remain globally and regionally?
Open Finance begins with secure and reliable data access for consumers to share their data with the financial apps and providers they choose to use. This panel will discuss how the move from today’s Open Banking will structure the journey towards an Open Finance ecosystem.
The goals of the G20 Roadmap for Enhancing Cross-border Payments include increased transparency, speed, security and lower costs. However, challenges remain, in particular with regard to the operational and regulatory environment. How will the future of cross-border payments look like?
Emerging technologies such as GenAI and quantum computing are expected to disrupt the way PSPs operate. How can they keep up with the pace of technology acceleration, regulatory requirements and new ways of doing business? What’s in it for the
Is the market ready for the end of the coexistence of ISO and MT messages? What remains to be done in the next few months to realise ISO 20022’s full benefits?
What are the current complexities facing PSPs with regard to verification of payee? What else can reduce the fraud risk for consumers and businesses?
Payment services providers have created innovative operating models for international remittances and low-value payments. How are these payment services changed by developments in real-time payments, Open Banking, and interlinkages between low-value infrastructures?
With instant and real-time payments live in the SEPA zone and the U.S. now for eight years respectively and with rapidly growing volumes, this session will explore how PSPs and their customers are already benefiting from access to real-time payment rails and corresponding solutions.